Saturday 29 September 2012

My Heart Swells

Thanks to a lot of hard work by my friend Linzi, a lot of Mom-preneurs came together last night in an effort to raise enough money to purchase an iPad for a little girl undergoing special treatment.

It was a great night of good will and such love and camaraderie that it made my heart swell to near bursting just to be fortunate enough to have been part of it.

Not only did we help a little girl but we grew our own circle of friends and colleagues and I was privileged to meet some very extraordinary women who provide a very diverse group of services.

Everyone provided something for the silent auction and it was fun to see what was there.

What was really cool was that it was all women.  We banded together and helped one of our very little sisters.  I am sure that this will be something she remembers the rest of her life and I am sure that one day she  will look for situations where she can return the favour by helping someone else in need.

Thanks to everyone who contributed last night and an very big thank you to Linzi for bringing us all together to share a night to think of someone else.

Keep your sticks clicking.


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